Okay, I know, I said, how to find a lost iPhone without finding my iPhone, but since this method is so useful, it’s worth mentioning one more time. Just give the people around you a heads up. Try this in every room or location you think your iPhone is misplaced. If your iPhone is near you, it will light up and respond with Siri speaking to you. But now almost all models allow ‘Hey Siri’ off the charging pod.

Earlier the feature was limited to when your iPhone was on charging. But a good way to find lost iPhone when it’s stuck under the couch or bed is to say ‘Hey Siri’ as loudly as you can. Now, this may sound a little weird and to people looking at you even weirder. Your iPhone needs to be on the same Wi-Fi network or connected to your Apple Watch via Bluetooth for this to work. Another cool factor about this feature is, if you tap and hold the ping button on your watch, the iPhone starts flashing. The phone rings irrespective of being in silent mode or low ringer volume. Your iPhone will ping in a certain penetrating tone. Just slide up the Apple Watch menu and tap the phone icon. If your iPhone happens to go missing somewhere in that messy bedroom of your’s you can simply use to ping feature to locate your phone via Apple Watch. If you are in the complete Apple ecosystem, then your Apple Watch might be of great help at times. Find a Lost iPhone Without Find My iPhone 1.

Fret not, I have gathered a few situations to how to find your lost iPhone. But what if your phone is in silent mode or just lying around under a seat in Uber where no one would even hear it ring. Calling your number from a borrowed phone or using ‘Find my iPhone’ is the first thing anyone would try.